President's Desk

Shri.Niraj Matanhelia

(President - ITM )

Shri.Niraj Matanhelia

(President - ITM )

The rapid rate of technological advancement and the information revolution have opened new series of challenges as well as opportunities. Institute of Technology & Management aims to prepare the students to be successful in the changing workplace. It aims to equip students with technical knowledge and capabilities, flexibility and an understanding of the societal context of corporate world. We give the students support and encouragement they need to reach their full potential. Today in the era of liberalization, privatization & globalization we try to groom nourish & nurture our students in such a way that they are fully equipped to meet the global demands. We strive to give professional education a new perspective and achieve perfection in all spheres. We provide a pleasant & intellectually stimulating environment. The main reason for our tremendous performance is the faculty, which makes ITM stand out from the rest of engineering colleges and Institutes. We provide exposure to latest and advanced Techniques and system. We gave the world the best we have and the best we can. We present ITM as a modern Gurukul. I wish to assure all concerned that no efforts will be spared to bring ITM on the world map among the top Technical education Institutions.

The Institute has emerged over the years as a leading centre of education in the field of Engineering, Pharmacy and Management.



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